Friday, November 13, 2015

Take It Personal(ly): A Deeper Look At Personalization

by Renee Jamerson

The latest direct marketing debate in the headlines is whether e-mail marketing is dead or alive. I think which side you take on this topic depends largely on how well your e-mail campaigns perform. Despite where you stand on this issue it's important to understand the impact that digital marketing has had on the way we do business and to do your best to maximize your impact. Finding ways to form a deep connection with your target audience is so important, especially with the amount of power users/customers have been handed via the internet and social media.

Form A Deep Connection
A top way to form a deep connection is through personalization. I'm not just talking salutations...there are other actions you should also be taking to cultivate your relationship with your audience and give your content the personal touch that it needs.

Target Your Content
By targeting your content you make sure the right information gets in front of the right audience. You target your content by using what you know about your audience based on their interest data, analytics, survey responses, and user-generated content (comments, videos, photos, reviews and social media posts). Although you may have a following not every follower has the same intent. It's important to segment your followers/customers, to group and analyze their purpose for taking interest in your business. This will also let you know the best channel to reach your audience.

Pull The Trigger
Automate e-mails to be sent whenever they complete certain actions. It very comforting after a person makes a purchase to receive an automated e-mail saying "thanks for shopping with us". Another great idea, within these automated e-mails, is to consider the sender? Is a customer service rep, a general e-mail address, or the CEO of the company.  The signer of that e-mail could make all the difference in how close and valued a person feels to your company.

Personal Landing Pages
This one is a personal fav., nothing makes me happier than when I click on a registration e-mail for a webinar and it auto-fills all of my information. This is so convenient, especially at times that I maybe checking my e-mail from my cellphone. Let's face it convenience and ease of use = we care about your experience and want you to come back.

The terrain of personalizing is so vast when you think creatively and personally. What makes you feel valued? what customer/user experiences do you appreciate? The best way to master personalization is think more human!

Keep It Bubblin'!


I am the founder of Bubblin' Banter Direct, a blog about Direct Marketing. I have been in the Direct Marketing field almost 10 years. I love everything about it and love sharing advice with others on how to keep their brands Bubblin'!